My blog, its going to be full of stuff that interests me! Maybe it'll interest you to, maybe not.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Please Stop Breaking Glass in my Head!

OVER! I'm hung over, its not easy, crazy night. Good craic. The only downside to the night was everyone being so knackered, that after a few pints they were gone! Very disappointing.

Well the next 3 weeks are going to be fun, well no just mental busy doing stuff. Got to get cracking into my fyp so time to start coding! Believe me my coding skills are well rusty. I've thought up a little side project for myself to start working on as well, hope to get that done in the next 2 weeks, more information about to fallow over the next week or so.

Aww man my head hurts! Anyway listing to Sufjan Stevens excellent album, illinois, what a legend of an album. Besting thing I've listen to so far this year, ya I know its out a while but I'm only getting into it now.

Possibly the most important news of the day, Munster are playing! Taking on Sale in an all or bust match in thomond park, going to be a cracker.

Munster: S Payne; J Kelly, B Murphy, T Halstead, I Dowling; R O'Gara, P Stringer; M Horan, J Flannery, J Hayes, D O'Callaghan, P O'Connell, D Leamy, D Wallace, A Foley (capt).

Replacements: F Pucciariello, D Fogarty, S Keogh, M O'Driscoll, TBC, M Lawlor, G Connolly.

Injury to Jeremy Manning last weekend has put us under serious pressure at out-half but we should be ok, Mossie is a talanted guy and should be able to step up to the plate if so required.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Its late again

Yep, still up. Exam tomorrow. Last exam tomorrow. These are the two must important factors in my life right now, nothing else matters. This will probably be my last post until saturday, plans are afoot to go a bit mad..

Detroit Cobras playing at the moment, always struct me as strange that these guys peck, well at least in this country was a in guiness ad. Quality quality band, how many more good bands can come out of Detroit.

Kind of bored at the moment, I have stuff to do, lots of stuff to do in fact but the motivation is long gone. Don't care anymore to be honest. Instead I'll talk about a film I was watching earlier. The Core. Oh my god, its possibly the worst film I've seen in the last 6 months, and in that time I have seen some mares! Like Dungeon and Dragons! I mean I was watching it and they had this team of scientists trying to figure out how they should explode these bombs. Happy with an idea they put it into the big computer to see how it goes, low and behold the computer goes "Success", well I laughed. You see if the computer knew what it would take to be successfull, why the hell they didn't just get the computer to you know compute the bloody requirements! Feck sake. What a horrible film.

Oh it most certainly is!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wow I'm bored, whoever thought it'd end up like this!

Ya bored to tears and kind of hungry now actually. Think I should take Sound Garden - Fell on black days, out of my play list..

Been one of those good ole productive days, getting lots done but getting no sadisfaction out of look at this stuff. Came across this article about turning your old flat bed scanner into a camera on digg, cool idea. Have an old HP scanner at home, might so thinker with it in a few weeks. Some of the pictures are just messed up.

Last exam tomorrow, cannot wait. You have no idea! Pub pub pub pub! Of course I avocate responsible drinking..

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Its been a long, long day

Got an hour and half sleep today, after the worst exam ever. But on the plus side the day is pretty much over and I don't think I'm in any state to functon for the remaining few hours.

Got a good bit done for friday, the last exam, thank christ! The work dynamic in the group has changed, we're all in sync after todays disaster. Work Work Work....

I actually could not believe what came up in the exam today it was so horrible, think there is going to be a bit of rebellion now, class rep is going to get the boot and we're going to ask questions of the department. We're final year students and we're pretty much being done over so someone can save face, and another fellow is just being a prick cause we're not arty people, we're becoming scientists you fupping Langer! We give you a straight answer, no bullshit!

Have a really low opinion of academic people right now! Get a real job!

Been completely turned off doing masters, no way I want to spend a year around these bastards.

Right on to more light hearted stuff. Been working on my blog. Getting into this whole thing now, sort of think what I'm going to write during the day. Started adding it to blog search engines and reading up on how to improve you blog, stuff like that. Probably start working on a new template sometime next week, while I'm working on my FYP.

Uh got a notion today to go to UCC rag week, have a place to crash and everything the only thing I'm sort is lots of money. Its tough being a student.

Added myself at Blog Snare. Ya I know the button is crap, I left my artistic skills in the womb! Added myself at a few other places as well. Interested to see how it attracts people.

Listening to the Avalanches right now, memories of summer 4 years ago coming back. God got to get myself some new memories, life has ground to a halt since the christmas holidays. To put it bluntly I'm really really bored. I was so bored last night I made up an 82 song playlist, know christened in my playlist folder as "The study music".

The Worst Exam! Ever!

Oh my god, we got screwed. I don't want to talk about it. What a langer! I'm going to bed!

3 Hours!

Out the door the exam place in 3 hours. Man I need sleep. Finished my bottle of coke, gota switch to coffee now. How am I set? Well ok, I know most of it outside of rastor and vector stuff. Man this is boring, not what I thought it would be when I walked into it Have 72 songs in the playlist and I think its done one rotation, might be time to move on to Built to Spill.

Don't feel to hot this time, most go for a shower in a little while, then get my flatmate to explain this hardware rubbish. Getting the eye fog, gota keep going for a few more hours!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Another Exam! 8 and a half hours to go

Ya another exam in a few hours, should be ok. Not too excited about it. Its the pre exam calm I have right now, trouble is I always have that right up until I'm handing back the exam paper.

Aimee Mann is my current study music for all interested, was giving Death Cab for Cutie a whirl there a while ago. Study as of now is not happening. New series of 24 started in the states yesterday, only a few weeks till it kicks off over here, can't wait! Heard the new series of the Sopranos is starting in march, so it looks my tuesday nights are covered for the next couple of months. As a friend of mine said. Nothing ever changes. You see we had this tradition when 24 and Sopranos were on tv on the same night, big sit in, cans and good times. Sex and the city got the boot. The girls were not happy..

On the point that nothing ever changes I would disagree, that was 3 years ago girl, right now I'm happy in myself (which was not the case at the time), have a lot of new friends and most importantly, no barriers in my life. Bring on the future I say!

God this Aimee Mann is good stuff, how she isn't more, I mean much more famous I don't know. Uh Gemma Hayes is playing in Dolans next month and by god she is hot and talented, a leathal combination, I am most certaintly going to be there! Right back to this graphics crap.

You know I thought graphics would be interesting, but its not, well not when your limited to using the basic JAVA2D library. Oh creativity was given the bullit this semester.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Look! The bog is on fire!

Uh 8 hours sleep, that was nice. Now my sleeping pattern is out the window, oh well. Plenty time to work on getting it back to the normal, suns gone away should go sleepy.

Decided to starting listening to Hot Hot Heat again. Quality happy album, haven't given it a listen in a while. You know it was one of those albums last year that I over played and got bored off. Think I'll have a listen to the decemberists next. Should take me right back to march last year.

Been thinking lately about all the games I used to play. Haven't really had time to play games anymore, which is a sad thing. Next year will ressume my conquest of virtual worlds. Now thats wrong in 6 months when I'm finished college and finished dossing around the place on my last free summer until I retire and wait to die. Depressing isn't it. Haven't a clue what I'm going to do after college been thinking about going into IT but I dunno, I think I have the interest levels to find maintaining servers interesting on a daily basis. Must come up with an idea to make money fast. Kidney anyone?

Anyway back to what I was saying. Was thinking about the point and click games I used to play back in the day. The lucasarts classics! Monkey Island Series, Sam n Max, Day on the Tenticle and so on. God those games were pure brilliance and they still have that ability to pull me into their crazy worlds whenever I get the notion to play them again. You see I won't really call them games, more a scattered storyline were you got to find the plot. "A yes a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle just the thing I need to get across to that island". Pure maddness. When I was a kid I thought Melee Island would be coolest place in the world to live. I don't think I was far wrong. Anyway to the guys that made these games and made my younger years far more enjoyable and are probably responsible for the half the rubbish I talk about, I saluate you! Anyone interested in these games and other adventure games from that time should check out mixnmojo.

Further more, I want to talk about Munster! Ya the greatest rugby team on the planet. In my humble opinion. You see to me Munster are class, they might not have the world class backs for other teams or the resources but as a team they are more embedded into the community than any other professional outfit I've come across. Last friday they beat Castre in Castre, not a full strength Castre side but beating a french team on french soil by a record amount of trys is not an easy feat. These guys were slated earlier in the year for playing 8 man rugby and not having the backs to pull of the moves that would split open a defense. Well we do and we're getting better. Watch out Sale, we've got a 4 try target next weekend and a win by more than 20 points. We're going to whoop ya! For match reports on the game last friday have a look at google news.


Well glad thats over, unreal. Haven't slept properly in about 2 months now and I'm in pieces here. Exam was ok nothing special, loads of questions about the bloody "user" I hate that guy and apparently a lot of people think him an idiot.

So whats been happening lately, not to much, I decided to add some goggle ads to the blog see if I can generate some revenue, being a poor student and all that. So don't be afraid to go off clicking on stuff and installing firefox. Not going to go crazy with the ads just one or two, a search box and an install firefox. See what happens.

Anyway its been quiet a while since I updated this thing so I might as well let anyone who is interested know whats been going on over the last couple of months, nearly 4 at this stage. The big one would be coming back to college, which was nice. Its a bit of blur at this stage. Crazy nights out and easy on the study, you know yourself.

Been putting a lot of thought in my fyp (final year project) and its going nicely workiny away on my network side of things and should get on to implementing a GUI in the next two weeks, starting working on the graphics then. I'm making a game for a mobile phone, if I haven't said that already. Looking forward to getting stuck into the proper coding, soon. Planning phase is doing my nut in.

Other than that I dunno. In the middle of exams. 2 down 2 to go. Next two I'm not too exciting about graphics and software quality. Its not easy!

Going to be some session when its all over, I can tell you know.

On the music front, been listening to
We are Scientists

Whom I like. Also started listening to the concretes again, brilliant swedish band. Brings back some great and no so great memoirs.

Ok Ok Ok...

Right 40 mins to exam going a bit man, useless pointless subject, Human Computer Interaction. The kettle is boiling, drink coffee, get dressed, go into exam mode, I'm screwed! Been listening to Lemon Jelly for the last ten mins and its not good!

I can't sleep because when I close my eyes I see a spider

Ya its true I can't sleep haven't slept properly in about 2 months now, I think there are few reasons for it, swing in and out of depression, missing people, final year in college pressure and stuff like that. The amazing this is, if your the kind of person who finds this crap amazing.. is that it hasn't really effected my day to dayness, if you get my meaning. Still the same me, I just can't sleep anymore.

Haven't updated this blog since really the summer, been off exploring what its like to be back in college for the last time. The last 3 months of 2005 were crazy really, don't remember much. Got drunk and did a lot of silly things but it was good fun and I'm not complaining. Can't wait to get out of this place though its doing my head in now.

Chipping away on my fyp, going nicely. Going to revolutionize the world! So it is. Well maybe a few misguided yells of disapproval anyway. More info to fallow on that.

You might be interested in the title of this entry, it comes from a song from "the boy least likely too" on off the many happy clappy pop sounding to come on to the scene last year.

Ok 4 hours to exam loads to do, back to it!

Just realised, I have no blogs linked! Anybody with an interest J2Me and graphics for mobile phones, drop a comment!